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Clinical nutrition

Cognitive performance, mood and satiety following ingestion of beverages imparting different glycaemic responses: a randomised double-blind crossover trial



The relationship between postprandial glycaemic responses and cognitive performance, mood and satiety are inconsistent. The objective of this study is to compare the effects of different glycaemic responses, induced by beverages with different glycaemic index (GI) (sucrose and isomaltulose), and a non-glycaemic control (sucralose), on cognition, mood and satiety.


In this double-blinded, randomised crossover trial, healthy adults (n = 55) received sucrose (GI 65), isomaltulose (GI 32) and sucralose (non-caloric negative control) drinks on separate occasions. The Complex Figure test, the Word Recall test, Trail Making Test Part B and the Stroop test were administered 60 min after beverages ingestion. Mood and satiety were tested along with cognitive performance.


Comparing between isomaltulose and sucrose, there were no significant differences in the mean (95% CI) for the following: Complex Figure: immediate recall −0.6 (−1.7, 0.5), delayed recall −0.8 (−1.9, 0.3); Word recall: immediate recall 0.2 (−0.7, 1.1), delayed recall 0.5 (−0.4, 1.4); Trail Making: completing time −2.4 (−7.5, 2.7) s; Stroop: time used for correct congruent responses −9 (−31, 14) ms and correct incongruent responses −18 (−42, 6) ms. No differences among beverages were found in the mood and satiety scores with exception that participants felt more energetic 60 min after isomaltulose ingestion (p = 0.028 for difference with sucrose) and hungrier 30 min after isomaltulose ingestion (p = 0.036 for difference with sucrose; p = 0.022 for difference with sucralose).


Under these study conditions there is no convincing evidence for an effect of glycaemic response on cognitive performance, mood or satiety.

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Fig. 1: Flow chart of the cognitive test participants.
Fig. 2: Glycaemic response following the ingestion of sucrose- or isomaltulose-sweetened beverages (n = 12).

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The authors would like to thank Mr Meng Tong who designed the software and website used in the cognitive test.


This study was funded by the University of Otago.

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BJV conceived and supervised the study. BJV and QD designed and undertook the glycaemic testing. CR, QD and MP designed the cognitive testing. TSC was responsible for designing and overseeing the mood component. BJV designed the satiety testing. JJH was responsible for the statistical approach and for undertaking the statistical analysis of the cognitive, mood and satiety data. MP analysed the results of sensory tests. QD undertook the practical work and drafted the manuscript. All authors revised the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Bernard J. Venn.

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Deng, Q., Haszard, J.J., Conner, T.S. et al. Cognitive performance, mood and satiety following ingestion of beverages imparting different glycaemic responses: a randomised double-blind crossover trial. Eur J Clin Nutr 75, 602–610 (2021).

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