Correction to: Cell Research, published online 04 April 2022

It has been brought to our attention that the original Fig. 1c (lacZ/SPF panel) and Fig. 1e (SPF panels of Day 0/Day 5 colon) were inconsistent with our raw data. The correct versions and side-by-side comparison are provided below. These corrections do not affect the description of the results and the conclusion of this work. No change of the original figure legends is needed. We apologize for this carelessness. The original article has been corrected.

Fig. 1c (lacZ/SPF panel) (Old)

Fig. 1c (lacZ/SPF panel) (Corrected)

Fig. 1e (SPF panels of Day 0/Day 5 colon) (Old)

Fig. 1e (SPF panels of Day 0/Day 5 colon) (Corrected)