Correction to: Cell Research, published online 12 May 2020

In the initial published version of this article, there was an error in the Supplementary information, Table S1. Row 463 and row 80 have the same sample id BDESCC-01-838. After checking the original id of these two samples, we found that they were actually two different samples. This error was caused by Excel random numbering when we assigned the external id to each sample. Thus, we re-assigned a new id BDESCC-01-839 to the row 463 sample to fix this issue. In addition, this error led to the duplication of the TMB value for these two samples as the TMB column was added by the vlookup function. Here, we show the right TMB value in this correction (Correction 1).

Row 80/463, sample information in the initial version:

Correction 1:

Before correction, row 463 in ST1:

After correction, row 463 in ST1:

As sample ids were also listed in mutation statistics in ST5, we also updated the sample information in that table (Correction 2).

Correction 2:

Before correction, row 143 in ST5:

After correction, row 143 in ST5:

These corrections do not affect the major findings and conclusions of this work. We deeply apologize for this oversight.