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  • Clinical
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Indications for the use of direct composite restorations in the management of tooth wear


The increasing prevalence of tooth surface loss has been widely reported. Patients present with varying degrees of tooth wear and consideration is given to whether a prevention and monitoring approach, or a treatment and restoration approach, is appropriate. A missed diagnosis or excessively prolonged monitoring risks progression to the detriment of a successful outcome, with the potential compromise on the quality and quantity of tooth structure available for predictable adhesive dentistry. Direct composite resin (DCR) restorations can be considered as a viable treatment option for all extents of tooth wear, including cases that have progressed to a severe degree. This paper aims to review the indications for DCR restorations in the management of tooth wear, using clinical cases to demonstrate their effectiveness.

Key points

  • There is ever-growing evidence behind the effectiveness of the use of direct composite resin (DCR) restorations for the management of all types of wear, seen as performance survival.

  • DCR can be used for the treatment of tooth wear, by protecting underlying tooth structure and restoring form and function.

  • The treatment can usually be considered as non-invasive and can be applied to all levels of severity of wear progression, particularly moderate and severe cases.

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Amin Aminian is the main author, with support and contribution from A. Johanna Leven and Martin Ashley. All three authors contributed to the concept, the design, the writing and the editing.

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Correspondence to Amin Aminian.

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Aminian, A., Leven, A. & Ashley, M. Indications for the use of direct composite restorations in the management of tooth wear. Br Dent J 234, 395–399 (2023).

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