Sir, I write regarding the recent Eco Focus Issue published in the BDJ.1 With the increasing emphasis on eco-friendly dental services, the overall impact of dentistry on the environment can be considered a matter of concern at a psychological level as well. Literature has described worry and fear regarding the climate crisis as 'climate anxiety'. Evidence has shown that anxiety associated with climate change is a growing mental health concern that influences the quality of life in children and young people globally.2 Do dental professionals experience similar anxiety related to climate change as a result of the negative environmental effects of dental practice? What implications might there be on the future dental workforce's mental health in the short and long term?

As the framework for climate anxiety and mental health is still being strengthened, it has been suggested that effective policy-making practices by governments can support the choices of an individual that are guided by concern for sustainability and planetary health.2,3 Recognising anxiety related to climate change can be considered as an opportunity to educate the young and direct additional efforts into the promotion of sustainability.2