A study by a Swedish endodontist has shown that the defencelessness experienced while sitting in the dentist's chair can prompt memories of sexual abuse.

Dr Eva Wolf interviewed 13 people, who had such experiences, and found many are scared and avoid going to the dentist, do not show up for scheduled appointments, or leave ongoing treatment.

According to Dr Wolf, the association with the abuse can lead to the patient shielding themselves from the experience, disappearing mentally and 'agreeing to anything' during the treatment, while on the surface they seem calm.

The study was conducted together with Gisela Priebe, an associate professor at the Department of Psychology at Lund University, and Erin McCarthy, a professor of philosophy at the University of St Lawrence, USA.

For the full story visit https://mau.se/en/news/visits-to-the-dentist-can-evoke-memories-of-traumatic-sexual-abuse/.