Handpieces can be reprocessed both manually and automatically. An independent laboratory study1 has now conclusively demonstrated that automated cleaning in a DAC Universal D from Dentsply Sirona provides significantly better results than manual reprocessing.

figure 1

The cleaning results of almost 5,000 handpieces were analysed and evaluated. In addition, the assessment of the MAUDE (Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience) database from the FDA confirmed that cleaning is one of the most important prerequisites for the long-term and safe use of handpieces. The MAUDE database contains collected data such as injuries and malfunctions caused by broken handpieces. The causal relationship between incorrect cleaning and maintenance, as well as damage and corrosion, and patient injuries was also analysed in this study.

DAC Universal was launched in 2000 as a combination unit for instrument reprocessing. Since then, it has offered cost-effective and fully automated reprocessing of instruments with optional oil maintenance. The validated process ensures that every instrument is properly cleaned with each reprocessing cycle. DAC Universal does not require any additional chemical cleaning agents but uses only demineralised water to reprocess dental instruments - a feature that is environmentally friendly and helps to protect the instruments and potentially prolong their durability. Cleaning, thermal disinfection and optional lubrication: The fully compliant and automated reprocessing cycle only takes around 15 minutes. All steps are standardised and fully automated at the touch of a button, minimising application errors as far as possible.

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