Correction to: Translational Psychiatry Published online 07 February 2017

The author noticed and would like to amend a few errors in the Original Article:

  1. 1.

    Statistical analysis, p2 “The percentage change in Kicer was calculated as: (baseline Ki cer-Ki cer after apomorphine)/(baseline Ki cer) × 100. For the purpose of analysis, ‘baseline’ refers to when subjects were not given apomorphine challenge, that is, when given either placebo or no compound.” This should have read as “The percentage change in Kicer was calculated as: (Ki cer after apomorphine-baseline Ki cer)/(baseline Ki cer)×100. For the purpose of analysis, ‘baseline’ refers to when subjects were not given apomorphine challenge, that is, when given either placebo or no compound.”

  2. 2.

    Figure 3: The legend on the y axis states % change (Baseline-post-apomorphine), which should read as baseline vs post-apomorphine. This was in the original submission, though we fully accept the error when this went through copy editing.

  3. 3.

    P3 states, e interclass correlation for both the scans was 0.834, as reported previously. This should read as 0.843.

  4. 4.

    P3, it reads “There was no appreciable change in effect size or P-value when the two subjects who did not receive placebo were excluded from the analysis (r = 0.67, P = 0.034, two-tailed).” It should read as −0.67, ie., a negative correlation.