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STRIPE partners in precision medicine series: provider perspective

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Fig. 1: Four tips for primary care providers to begin using pharmacogenomics.


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The Partners in Precision Medicine series was developed by the Standardizing Laboratory Practices in Pharmacogenomics (STRIPE) Initiative Education Team. STRIPE is a Collaborative Community, serving as a continuing forum in which private- and public-sector members, including the FDA, work together on medical device challenges to achieve common objectives and outcomes. More information about the STRIPE initiative can be found by visiting To view the complete “Partners in Precision Medicine” webinar series, visit

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SR, JSJ, BK, and CMF were responsible for designing the webinar series concept. PA, KM, MD, GM, BK, SR, and CMF were responsible for developing content for this provider perspective webinar. SR and CMF were responsible for extracting data from recordings. CMF, KM, MD, GM, BK, SR, and JSJ contributed to writing the report.

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Correspondence to Christine M. Formea.

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Competing interests

1. CF: No competing financial interests. 2. PA: Founder of Atwal Clinic. 3. PA: Medical Director for Everly Health Solutions. 4. KM: No competing financial interests. 5. MD: CEO of GenXys Health Care Systems. 6. GM: No competing financial interests. 7. SR: No competing financial interests. 8. JSJ: No competing financial interests. 9. BK: consultant for Clarified Precision Medicine.

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Formea, C.M., Atwal, P., Meintsma, K. et al. STRIPE partners in precision medicine series: provider perspective. Pharmacogenomics J 24, 28 (2024).

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