Correction to: Oncogene

The original version of this Article contained an error in the author affiliations.

Affiliation number 1 incorrectly read ‘Department of Neurosurgery, Wallace Tumor Institute, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 520E, 1720 2nd Ave. South, Birmingham, AL 35294, USA’. It should be ‘Laboratory of Molecular Neuro-Oncology, Department of Neurosurgery and Hematology & Medical Oncology, School of Medicine, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, 30322, USA’. A new affiliation has been added for the Author Erwin G. Van Meir, which is ‘Department of Neurosurgery and O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), WTI 520E, 1720 2nd Ave. South Birmingham, AL, 35294, USA’.

This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.