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Insights into the mechanisms underlying aberrant SOX11 oncogene expression in mantle cell lymphoma

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Fig. 1: Chromosome conformation and chromatin activity at the SOX11 locus in MCL cases.
Fig. 2: Multi-omic dissection of the SOX11 super-enhancer region.


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This work was supported by research funding from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades through SAF2017-86126-R (to JIM-S), RTI2018-094274-B-I00 and PMP15/00007 which is part of Plan Nacional de I + D + I and co-financed by the ISCIII-Sub-Directorate General for Evaluation and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER-“Una manera de Hacer Europa”) (to EC), and the National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute “Molecular Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Therapeutic Targets in Mantle Cell Lymphoma” (P01CA229100 to EC). Furthermore, the authors would like to thank the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya Suport Grups de Recerca AGAUR 2017-SGR-736 (to JIM-S), 2017-SGR-1142 (to EC) and 2017-SGR-468 (to MAMR), the Accelerator award CRUK/AIRC/AECC joint funder-partnership, the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya and CIBERONC (CB16/12/00225, CB16/12/00334 and CB16/12/00489). RV-B (BES-2013-064328) was supported by a predoctoral FPI Fellowship from the Spanish Government. EC is an Academia researcher of the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA). The authors thank the Barcelona Supercomputing Center for access to computational resources. This work was developed at the Centro Esther Koplowitz (CEK, Barcelona, Spain).

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RV-B, coordinated and performed FISH, in situ Hi–C, targeted MS, histone mark and ATAC-seq data generation and computational data analysis. NV-D, performed and supported FISH, in situ Hi–C, histone mark, and ATAC-seq data generation. LB, and AF, supported targeted MS data generation and analysis. PS-V, and MAM-R, supported in situ Hi–C computational data analysis. VC contributed in histone marks and ATAC-seq data analysis. MK, ACQ, and RB participated in DNA methylome data generation and analyses as well as in the study data interpretation. MP, MJC, XA, FP, SB, DC, EC, contributed with key reagents as well as sample collection and their biological and clinical annotation. RV-B and JIM-S directed the research and wrote the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Roser Vilarrasa-Blasi or José Ignacio Martin-Subero.

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Vilarrasa-Blasi, R., Verdaguer-Dot, N., Belver, L. et al. Insights into the mechanisms underlying aberrant SOX11 oncogene expression in mantle cell lymphoma. Leukemia 36, 583–587 (2022).

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