Human exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances has been modeled to estimate serum concentrations. Given that the production and use of these compounds have decreased in recent years, especially PFOA and PFOS, and that additional concentration data have become available from the US and other industrialized countries over the past decade, aggregate median intakes of these two compounds were estimated using more recent data.
Summary statistics from secondary sources were collected, averaged, and mapped for indoor and outdoor air, water, dust, and soil for PFOA and PFOS to estimate exposures for adults and children. European dietary intake estimates were used to estimate daily intake from food.
In accordance with decreased concentrations in media, daily intake estimates among adults, i.e., 40 ng/day PFOA and 40 ng/day PFOS, are substantially lower than those reported previously, as are children’s estimates of 14 ng/day PFOA and 17 ng/day PFOS. Using a first-order pharmacokinetic model, these results compare favorably to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey serum concentration measurements.
Concomitant blood concentrations support this enhanced estimation approach that captures the decline of PFOA/PFOS serum concentration over a decade.
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Paul Schlosser, Rocky Goldsmith, Rogelio Tornero-Velez, and Andrew Gillespie of EPA’s Office of Research and Development provided vital reviews and advice, especially on enhancements of the PK model and sensitivity analysis. This work built upon PFAS data curation work led by Valerie Zartarian. This research was supported by the National Student Service Contract Number 68HERH20D0003. The research was also supported by student service contractor Hunter Fisher and Pathways intern Ashley Mullikin. The curation, analysis, and presentation in this study adhered to an approved quality assurance project plan, which was developed with advice from EPA’s James Noel.
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AE, with input from his co-authors, drafted and revised the manuscript. He led the analysis, including coding in R and developing repositories in GitHub. He applied statistical methods and updated and revised the pharmacokinetic model. PPE provided input files from his previous work in PFOA and PFOS model development. He also provided expertise to AE and DAV in the data analysis, especially on the application of statistical methods and algorithm-based modeling of route-specific exposure and intake, and model parameterization. RS conducted the initial PFAS literature screening, data curation, quality assurance of literature review, data analysis, and reporting. EACH provided oversight and advice of the model development, curation, and application of the PFAS screening results and reports, which represented a substantial source of secondary data included in the input files, initial outline, and extensive review and edits to the manuscript. As EPA’s student service contract mentor, DAV assisted AE in analyzing data, interpreting statistical results, conducting literature reviews, and providing scientific expertise on PFAS. DAV also ensured that all work met the requirements of the quality assurance project plan.
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East, A., Egeghy, P.P., Hubal, E.A.C. et al. Computational estimates of daily aggregate exposure to PFOA/PFOS from 2011 to 2017 using a basic intake model. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 33, 56–68 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41370-021-00374-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41370-021-00374-w