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Exploring unsolved cases of lissencephaly spectrum: integrating exome and genome sequencing for higher diagnostic yield


Lissencephaly is a rare brain malformation characterized by abnormal neuronal migration during cortical development. In this study, we performed a comprehensive genetic analysis using next-generation sequencing in 12 unsolved Japanese lissencephaly patients, in whom PAFAH1B1, DCX, TUBA1A, and ARX variants were excluded using the Sanger method. Exome sequencing (ES) was conducted on these 12 patients, identifying pathogenic variants in CEP85L, DYNC1H1, LAMC3, and DCX in four patients. Next, we performed genome sequencing (GS) on eight unsolved patients, and structural variants in PAFAH1B1, including an inversion and microdeletions involving several exons, were detected in three patients. Notably, these microdeletions in PAFAH1B1 could not to be detected by copy number variation (CNV) detection tools based on the depth of coverage methods using ES data. The density of repeat sequences, including Alu sequences or segmental duplications, which increase the susceptibility to structural variations, is very high in some lissencephaly spectrum genes (PAFAH1B1, TUBA1A, DYNC1H1). These missing CNVs were due to the limitations of detecting repeat sequences in ES-based CNV detection tools. Our study suggests that a combined approach integrating ES with GS can contribute to a higher diagnostic yield and a better understanding of the genetic landscape of the lissencephaly spectrum.

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We thank the patient’s family for their participation in this study. We thank M. Tsujimura, K Shibasaki, M Tanaka, C. Ogawa and A. Kitamoto for their technical assistance. This work was supported in part by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, KAKENHI (Grant number JP 20H03641 and 23H02875 (HS), JP20K08236 (MK) and JP21K06819 (MN)), the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) (JP23ek0109549 and 23ek01099674, HS), the Takeda Science Foundation (MN and HS), and HUSM Grant-in-Aid from Hamamatsu University School of Medicine (MN and HS).

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Furukawa, S., Kato, M., Ishiyama, A. et al. Exploring unsolved cases of lissencephaly spectrum: integrating exome and genome sequencing for higher diagnostic yield. J Hum Genet (2024).

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