Abstract â–¡ 25

Research works have led to a better knowledge of some of the major causes of Sudden Infant Deaths. For some years, sleep recording techniques and home monitoring programmes have contributed to identify and protect some of infants at higher risk for SIDS. Education campaigns have since the early 90's been launched in some countries. These campains aimed at reducing risk factors for SIDS, such as the non-supine sleep position, or high room temperature. The prevalence of these risk factors have since decreased significantly, together with a significant drop in infant mortality. A 30 to 60% reduction in infant mortality has since been observed in most of these countries where 3reduce the risk2 campains have been implemented. Sleep studies have further contributed to describe some of the mechanisms responsible for a lack of physiologic adaptation in infants exposed to endogeneous and environmental risk factors. The scientific data have further contribute to validate the prevention campains. Some risk factors are however still unchanged. Prenatal and postnatal cigarette smoking are such factors that have nor been efficiently addressed until now. Likewise, no major changes in nursing have been seen in some high risk populations, such as socially deprived or migrant populations. In the coming years, a better understanding of factors increasing the risk for SIDS, associated to repeated information campains, targeted at high risk populations, should lead to a further reduction in infant mortality.