Abstract 1835 Poster Session I, Saturday, 5/1 (poster 45)

The benefit of partial liquid ventilation PLVSM has been shown in a variety of respiratory diseases in animal and human studies. Although the amount of PFC in the lungs should be kept stable during PLV, PFC is lost due to evaporative loss (EL) which depends on ventilation strategy, positioning, and PFC vapor pressure (PV). Since PV rises exponentially with temperature, we hypothesized that PFC EL profile over time is dependent upon temperature. To quantify the effect of temperature on EL, 17 ml/kg of perflubron (LiquiVent®) was instilled endotracheally into anesthetized, juvenile rabbits (N = 8; wt= 1.76 ± 0.18 SE kg) over 5-10 minutes after the animals were stabilized at 27°C (core temperature, TC) for the hypothermic group and 37°CTC for the normothermic group. The ventilation strategy was to keep the minute ventilation at 300 ml/kg/min and position (supine) constant. Gas exchange and acid base balance were maintained in a physiologic range. TC was measured with a thermodilution catheter placed I.V. The content of PFC in the expired gas was measured with a previously described thermal detector device and the EL was calculated. Radiographic images were taken at 4 hrs of PLV. EL (ml/kg/hr) of PFC (mean ± SE): (Table)

Table 1 No caption available

As shown, there was a significant (p<0.01) interaction between loss rate and TC, with lower loss of PFC in the hypothermic group. There was approximately a 2 fold decrease in EL between groups, residual lung PFC was 11.4 ml. (normothermia) and 14.5 ml (hypothermia), and EL of PFC decreased an average of 0.1 ml/kg/hr per 1°C of TC. There were distinct differences in radiographic images at 4 hrs showing significantly more PFC in the low TC group. We conclude that EL is dependent on body temperature and, in addition to ventilation strategy and positioning, this factor should be considered in supplemental dosing schemes, particularly, for hypothermic or hyperthermic applications of PLV.

[Funded in part by Alliance Pharmaceutical Corporation]