Abstract 42

Gastrostomy feeding is the preferred route for the nutritional support of children with feeding disorders and associated nutritional compromise. The influence of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) placement on GOR is unclear. Aims: To quantify acid GOR and assess nutritional outcome following supplemental gastrostomy feeding. Method: 22 unselected children undergoing PEG placement were prospectively studied (8 males and 14 females, age 6 months to 15 years). Antireflux therapy was discontinued at least 48 hours before pH testing. An oesophageal pH probe was placed in the correct position under fluoroscopic control. Standard pH data were collected for 24 hours prior to PEG placement and within 3 months post gastrostomy. Accurate weights were taken prior to PEG placement, at 100 days and 250 days, following institution of an appropriate feeding regime. Paired data analysis were performed using Wilcoxen's Signed Rank Testing.Table Conclusion: Acid GOR is not exacerbated by PEG placement. Weight gain and instituting appropriate nutritional support shows patients benefit from this procedure.

Table 1