Background: HFO is thought to be less traumatic than CMV and therefore may reduce the inflammatory response in tracheobronchial aspirates.

Subjects: 61 infants with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), gestational age (range, median) 23 3/7 - 29 2/7 weeks, 26 4/7, birthweight 420- 1830g, 840g.

Interventions: Patients requiring mechanical ventilation within 6 hours after birth were randomized to either CMV (rate 60-80/min) or HFO (high lung volume strategy). Tracheal aspirates from day 1-10 were analysed for albumin (Alb), interleukin-8 (IL-8) leukotriene B4 (LTB4) and the secretory component of IgA (SC) as reference. Bacterially colonized samples were excluded.

Results: Median of Alb/SC, IL-8/SC and LTB4/SC(differences not significant) Table

Table 1

Conclusion: HFO, when compared to CMV, did not reduce concentrations of Alb, IL-8 and LTB4 in tracheal aspirates of preterm infants with RDS.