Aim: To test comparatively various NO-synthase (NOS) inhibiting or NOS substrates L-arg analogs on the neonatal renal vasculature .Subjects, interventions: Isolated kidneys from 7 day old (N=20) and adult rabbits (N=20) were perfused in vitro in control conditions, or in the presence of 10-4 M L-NAME, L-NMMA, L-NAME + L-arg or L-NAME + BAEE. Perfusion pressure measured at constant flow was considered to reflect RVR.

Results: RVR in ml/min/mmHg, (means ± SEM,*:p<0.05 compared to controls)Table

Table 1

Conclusion: L-arg analogues exert specific effects on the neonatal rabbit renal vasculature. L-NAME is a more potent NOS inhibitor than L-NMMA, and BAEE allows a better reversion of the NOS inhibition in the newborn animal Evidence on the biologic roles of NO in the neonatal kidney may depend on the NOS inhibitor/substrate which are used in the experiments.