Correction to: Oncogene (2002) 21, 65–77; doi:10.1038/sj.onc.1205018

Since the publication of the above article, the authors have been made aware that an error occurred in Figure 2 (panel a) of this paper. Indeed, in this panel, the photo used to illustrate the occurrence of cell death upon staurosporine treatment in H82 cells by TUNEL technique is a duplication of the photography used to illustrate the occurrence of cell death upon staurosporine treatment in U1285 cells using the same technique.

Figure 1
figure 1


Of note, in this publication, the occurrence of cell death in H82 cells upon staurosporine treatment is also illustrated in Figure 2 (panel b) (appearance of sub-diploid fragmented nuclei derived from apoptotic cells, as analyzed by flow cytometry after DNA staining with propidium iodide). The occurrence of cell death in U1285 cells upon staurosporine treatment is illustrated in Figure 1 by measurement of apoptotic morphology (cells, MGG staining and nuclear, Hoechst 33258 staining).

Unfortunately, the photos used to generate panel a in Figure 2 could not be localized in the archive (according to Karolinska Institutet law, all documents should be stored for 10-year period). Therefore, we decided to repeat all experiments for both U1285 and H82 cells, and we can confirm that staurosporine treatment indeed does induce cell death in those cells as analyzed by TUNEL technique.

The corrected version of Figure 2 (panel a) is given here—inset 1–4, based on the new experiments.

The authors would like to apologize to the readers for any inconvenience this may have caused.