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A new genetic clue to unravel the origins of pre-eclampsia

Pre-eclampsia is a common disorder of pregnancy for which the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. A genome-wide association study has now identified a pre-eclampsia susceptibility locus located near the FLT1 gene. This study brings us a step closer to dissecting the underlying causes of pre-eclampsia.

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Figure 1: Pre-eclampsia prevents VEGF signalling in endothelial cells.


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This work was supported by US NIH grants HL108618 (J.P.G.), HL51971 (J.P.G.), P20GM104375 (E.M.G.), HL116774 (E.M.G.) and HL137791 (E.M.G).

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Correspondence to Joey P. Granger.

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George, E., Granger, J. A new genetic clue to unravel the origins of pre-eclampsia. Nat Rev Nephrol 13, 599–600 (2017).

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