We've all spent frustrating hours searching through the methods sections of articles to find the best way to do our experiments. And we've leafed through cookbooks, trying to find that perfect recipe to impress that special someone. Now Nature Protocols, which launched in June 2006, has combined these two processes, switched the pinch of frustration for a helping of interactivity, and provided an online, comprehensive, recipe-like collection of biological and biomedical protocols.

Nature Protocols articles are commissioned and peer reviewed, and cover diverse subjects, guaranteeing that there is something for everyone. By the end of 2006, Nature Protocols aims to have over 400 published protocols. Alongside the commissioned protocols, the website presents the 'Protocols Network', in which anyone can freely upload their laboratory procedures.

Through an interactive forum, comments, advice and constructive criticism can be read, and written, for all of the protocols on the site, ensuring that protocols are up to date and that you are well informed. The website is searchable, and protocols are linked to other relevant procedures and grouped into categories to allow for easy browsing. And another helpful feature, the 'Tools & Reagents' subsection, details how to make up many commonly used reagents.

Access to the full content of Nature Protocols is available through an institutional site license, whereas the interactive access to the 'Protocols Network' is free. So whether you are having troubleshooting difficulties, or are designing your next ground-breaking experiment, log on to Nature Protocols and find the perfect protocol that will help you get the results you need to impress that special peer reviewer.