Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are implicated in apoptosis, and the p66 isoform of the adaptor protein Shc regulates ROS metabolism and apoptosis. So could there be a direct connection between p66Shc and ROS release? Giorgio et al. reveal all in Cell.

p66Shc is known to be required for mitochondrial depolarization and for cytochrome c release in response to pro-apoptotic stimuli. And, because blocking the permeability transition pore of mitochondria inhibited this pro-apoptotic function, the group's first step was to see whether p66Shc could directly induce permeability transition. When allowed to enter the mitochondrial intermembrane space, recombinant p66Shc indeed increased the permeability of isolated mitochondria. p66Shc is known to be enriched in the inner membrane fraction of mitochondria and, consistent with this, the authors found it within the inner mitochondrial space.

With the localization of p66Shc pinpointed, Giorgio et al. then showed that p66Shc was essential for the increase in mitochondrial ROS that occurs after treatment with pro-apoptotic stimuli and that a functional electron transport chain was a requisite. They ruled out the possibility that the increase in ROS was the result of decreased scavenging or occurred indirectly through mitochondrial swelling.

Unlike antimycin A, for example, which generates the ROS superoxide (O2−·) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by blocking the electron transport chain (ETC), p66Shc didn't inhibit respiration. It required a functional ETC to stimulate the production of H2O2 (O2−· was not generated), which implies that p66Shc reduced oxygen using certain components of the ETC. Could p66Shc itself mediate electron transfer? The results from the group suggested that it could, and indicated a redox potential for p66Shc of −35 mV. As this value is closest — among the redox systems present in mitochondria — to that of cytochrome c, the authors investigated whether p66Shc could exchange electrons with cytochrome c, and found that it could. Specifically, p66Shc could interact with, and oxidize, cytochrome c in vitro. In doing so, oxygen was reduced and H2O2 was formed in vitro and in vivo.

The authors then used the fact that neither the p46 nor p52 isoforms of Shc influence ROS regulation or apoptosis to implicate the N-terminal region (which contains the collagen-homologous-2 (CH2) and phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) domains) of p66Shc in cytochrome c binding. Further probing uncovered a 44-residue region just N-terminal to the PTB domain which mediated cytochrome c binding, with the identification of E132, E133 and W134 as essential residues for redox activity and cytochrome c binding. Mutations that impair this redox activity not only impaired the ability of p66Shc to mediate ROS production, but also abrogated its ability to induce mitochondrial permeability transition and subsequent apoptosis. So p66Shc seems to be “an atypical signal transducer that converts proapoptotic into redox signals”.