7SK is a small nuclear RNA (snRNA) that forms ribonucleoprotein complexes (snRNPs), which are known to regulate RNA polymerase II promoter-proximal pausing; however, the genome-wide impact of 7SK snRNA and its snRNPs on transcription has remained elusive. Flynn et al. took advantage of state-of-the art RNA analysis techniques and found that 7SK extensively occupies transcribed genomic regions and is particularly highly enriched at super-enhancers — regulatory regions that promote high transcriptional activity. Interestingly, at super-enhancers, 7SK associated with proteins that were distinct from the ones found in the 7SK snRNP complex at promoters and specifically recruited the chromatin-remodelling BAF complex to these sites. This 7SK-mediated BAF recruitment was shown to prevent extensive transcription at super-enhancers, which often leads to convergent mRNA synthesis (occurring simultaneously at both DNA strands) and concomitant DNA damage.