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Orchestrated leukocyte recruitment to immune-privileged sites: absolute barriers versus educational gates


Complex barriers separate immune-privileged tissues from the circulation. Here, we propose that cell entry to immune-privileged sites through barriers composed of tight junction-interconnected endothelium is associated with destructive inflammation, whereas border structures comprised of fenestrated vasculature enveloped by tightly regulated epithelium serve as active and selective immune-skewing gates in the steady state. Based on emerging knowledge of the central nervous system and information from other immune-privileged sites, we propose that these sites are endowed either with absolute endothelial-based barriers and epithelial gates that enable selective and educative transfer of trafficking leukocytes or with selective epithelial gates only.

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Figure 1: The CNS gating system.
Figure 2: The ocular gating system.
Figure 3: The maternal–fetal interface gating system.
Figure 4: The testis gating system.

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We thank S. Schwarzbaum for editing the manuscript. M.S. holds the Maurice and Ilse Katz Professorial Chair in Neuroimmunology. This study was funded by the European Research Council Advanced grant and the FP7-HEALTH-2011 two-stage grant given to M.S.

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Correspondence to Michal Schwartz.

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The authors declare no competing financial interests.

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Alternatively activated macrophages

(M2 macrophages). Macrophages that are stimulated by interleukin-4 (IL-4) or IL-13 and that express arginase 1, mannose receptor CD206 and IL-4 receptor. Other factors may also drive the alternative activation of macrophages. M2 macrophages have an anti-inflammatory function and mediate wound healing.

Amniotic sac

The sac in which the fetus develops. The sac is composed of a pair of tough but thin membranes: the inner membrane (the amnion) contains the amniotic fluid and the fetus, whereas the outer layer (the chorion) is part of the placenta.

Aqueous humour

Transparent gelatinous fluid that is similar to plasma and is secreted from the non-pigmented ciliary epithelium of the eye. It circulates from behind the iris (posterior chamber), where it is formed, to the front of the iris (anterior chamber), where it drains through the trabecular meshwork into Schlemm's canal, which is a venous sinus.

Central canal

A cerebrospinal fluid-filled tube that runs along the spinal cord and is continuous with the brain ventricular system.

Choroid plexus

A microvilli-enriched epithelioid structure within the roof of each one of the brain ventricles that creates a surface area comparable to that of the blood–brain barrier; its most well-characterized function is the production of cerebrospinal fluid, a 'clear' plasma fluid ultrafiltrate.

Ciliary body

A villous structure that is located behind the iris in the eye and produces the aqueous humour. Its stroma is coated by a double layer of ciliary epithelium; the inner layer is transparent, whereas the outer one is pigmented and forms a continuous layer with the retinal pigmented epithelium.

Circumventricular organs

Structures in the brain (including the area postrema, the subfornical organ, the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis and the median eminence) that, owing to their neuroendocrine functions, are considered as 'windows to the brain'. They contain fenestrated endothelium, are located at strategic positions in the ventricular system and are separated from the cerebrospinal fluid by a specialized blood–cerebrospinal fluid barrier.


The specialized endometrial stromal tissue that encases the implanted conceptus. The decidua is predominantly comprised of decidual stromal cells, which differentiate from endometrial stromal cells following embryo implantation in the mouse. The decidua also contains various types of maternal leukocytes and makes direct contact with the trophoblasts on the outer surface of the conceptus to form the maternal–fetal interface.

Ependymal cells

The ependyma is a thin epithelial layer that lines the ventricular system of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord. Ependymal cells are specialized cuboidal epithelial cells that contain cilia on their apical surfaces, which circulate the cerebrospinal fluid.

Glia limitans

An astrocyte structure that marks the border of the central nervous system parenchyma. It is composed of the parenchymal basement membrane and astrocyte endfeet, and covers the entire surface of the brain and spinal cord on external surfaces towards the leptomeningeal space (glia limitans superficialis) and internally towards the perivascular spaces (glia limitans perivascularis).


The presence within one individual of a small population of cells from another genetically distinct individual.


Vascularized tissue membranes that envelop superficial central nervous system areas and enclose the parenchyma. The meninges are composed of three layers: the outermost dura mater (beneath the skull), the arachnoid mater and the pia mater (the innermost layer, which is proximal to the parenchyma).

Rete testis

Tubules located in the mediastinum testis that carry sperm from the seminiferous tubules to the efferent ducts, which are the initial section of the epididymis. This is the site at which sperm is concentrated and fluids are absorbed.

Seminiferous tubule

A testicular structure in which meiosis and the subsequent creation of gametes (namely spermatozoa) takes place. There are two types of tubules: convoluted tubules are located towards the lateral end, whereas straight tubules are located towards the end that will exit the testis.

Sertoli cells

Tall (columnar type) epithelial niche-forming cells, the main function of which is to nourish the developing sperm through the stages of spermatogenesis (the process of differentiation of stem cells into mature germ cells). They also consume the residual cytoplasm and engulf excess spermatozoa. The tight junctions of Sertoli cells form the blood–testis barrier, which separates the abluminal compartment of the seminiferous tubule from the blood.

Subarachnoid space

The gap between the meningeal arachnoid membrane and the innermost pia mater. This cerebrospinal fluid-filled space is traversed by blood vessels.

Tight junctions

A belt-like region of adhesion between adjacent epithelial or endothelial cells that regulates paracellular flux. Tight-junction proteins include the integral membrane proteins occludin and claudin, in association with cytoplasmic zonulaoccludin proteins.


A term that denotes lymphocyte non-responsiveness to antigen but implies an active process rather than passive indifference.


Specialized cells forming the outer layer of blastocytes; these cells develop to form most of the placenta, where they function in embryo implantation and the interaction with the decidualized maternal uterus.

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Shechter, R., London, A. & Schwartz, M. Orchestrated leukocyte recruitment to immune-privileged sites: absolute barriers versus educational gates. Nat Rev Immunol 13, 206–218 (2013).

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