Precise control over the migration of T cells and B cells to and from germinal centres (GCs) is crucial for effective humoral immunity. In particular, appropriate GC recruitment, retention and provision of help by T follicular helper (TFH) cells are required to support GC B cell proliferation and differentiation. A recent study in Science shows that ephrin B1 (EFNB1) limits the retention of TFH cells in GCs and yet promotes the production of IL-21 to support GC maintenance and plasma cell formation.
First, the authors noted that EFNB1 — which is best known for its role in guiding cell migration during development — is expressed at much higher levels on GC B cells than on naive B cells. However, wild-type mice reconstituted with B cells lacking EFNB1 did not show any impairment in GC formation or TFH cell development in the draining lymph nodes 5 days after antigenic stimulation. However, at 7 days after stimulation, there were marked differences in the follicular and GC distribution of TFH cells in the absence of B cell-expressed EFNB1 — in particular, more TFH cells were found in GCs containing EFNB1-deficient B cells. Close tracking of TFH cells in the two groups of mice using intravital microscopy revealed that TFH cells entered the EFNB1-deficient GCs with a slightly increased frequency and left with a markedly reduced frequency, leading to an accumulation of TFH cells in the absence of EFNB1.
Next, the authors tested whether EFNB1 might limit the retention of TFH cells in GCs by disrupting antigen-specific T cell–B cell adhesion. Indeed, pre-activated T cells were less efficient in adhering to antigen-presenting B cells that expressed a high level of EFNB1 than to control B cells. Conversely, in a competitive GC reaction, EFNB1-deficient B cells more efficiently interacted with TFH cells. To better understand the mechanism of EFNB1-mediated repulsion of GC TFH cells, the authors used short hairpin RNA (shRNA) to knock down the expression of the T cell-expressed EFNB1 receptors EPHB4 and EPHB6. EPHB6 knockdown, but not EPHB4 knockdown, led to an accumulation of TFH cells in the GCs, which suggests that EPHB6 mediates EFNB1-dependent repulsion of TFH cells.
more TFH cells were found in GCs containing EFNB1-deficient B cells
Contrary to expectation, the prolonged GC residence of TFH cells occurring in the absence of the EFNB1–EPHB6 axis did not result in improved GC responses. Instead, the abundance of plasma cells in the spleen and bone marrow was reduced, which was accompanied by a decrease in serum antibody affinity for antigen. These defects were shown to be due to reduced levels of the TFH cell-derived cytokine IL-21, which drives plasma cell development; TFH cells from EFNB1-deficient GCs produced less IL-21 than those from control GCs. Knockdown of EFNB1 receptor expression indicated that EPHB4 is the receptor that transmits EFNB1 signals to stimulate IL-21 production by TFH cells in the GC.
The combination of negative regulation of GC residence and positive regulation of effector functions of TFH cells by EFNB1 seems counterintuitive, but the authors suggest that it may be a mechanism to ensure that the potentially dangerous GC reaction is productive but self-limiting.
Lu, P., Shih, C. & Qi, H. Ephrin B1-mediated repulsion and signaling control germinal center T cell territoriality and function. Science (2017)
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Bird, L. An ephrin B1-based guidance system. Nat Rev Immunol 17, 403 (2017).
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