Key Points
The completion of the high-quality nucleotide sequence of chromosome 21 now provides the basis for the molecular analysis of trisomy 21.
Trisomy 21 is the prototype of all syndromes with triplicated genomic material, and provides ample opportunities to study gene dosage imbalance.
Comparative and functional genomics will uncover most of the functional genomic regions of the human genome, which in turn provides the basis for understanding the molecular pathophysiology of trisomies.
Genomic variability might contribute to the phenotypic variability of trisomy 21.
Mouse models with partial trisomy are now providing fundamental knowledge for trisomy 21 and will be useful for developing potential treatments.
There are numerous (non-mutually exclusive) molecular mechanisms for phenotypic consequences of protein dosage imbalance. Therefore, a considerable number of genes could contribute directly or indirectly to the Down syndrome phenotypes.
Functional genomic elements other than protein coding genes might be involved in the molecular pathogenesis of the phenotypic features of trisomy 21.
The sequence of chromosome 21 was a turning point for the understanding of Down syndrome. Comparative genomics is beginning to identify the functional components of the chromosome and that in turn will set the stage for the functional characterization of the sequences. Animal models combined with genome-wide analytical methods have proved indispensable for unravelling the mysteries of gene dosage imbalance.
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We thank H. Attar, E. Hafen, U. Schibler, K. Basler, A. Estreicher, M. Friedli, K. Casada, L. Curtis, D. Sutter, C. Borel, and C. Attanasio for their contributions in the preparation of the manuscript; S. Dahoun and D. Marelli for figures 4a,b, and F. Bena for figure 4c. We also thank R. Reeves and three anonymous reviewers for critical reading of the manuscript and numerous insightful suggestions; all members (past and present) of the Antonarakis laboratory for discussions, debates and experimental data; the Swiss National Science Foundation, NCCR 'Frontiers in Genetics', European Union/Swiss OFES, Lejeune and 'Childcare' Foundations for support. We also thank the patients and their families for the donation of their samples and the continuous inspiration for research.
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Supplementary information
Supplementary Table 1: The origin of supernumerary human chromosome 21 (HSA21) in free trisomy 21
Supplementary Table 2: Frequency of Down syndrome (DS) phenotypes (PDF 41 kb)
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The increase of the red blood cell count, haemoglobin and the total red blood cell volume, accompanied by an increase in total blood volume.
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Antonarakis, S., Lyle, R., Dermitzakis, E. et al. Chromosome 21 and Down syndrome: from genomics to pathophysiology. Nat Rev Genet 5, 725–738 (2004).
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