Nature Reviews Cancer 10, 403–414 (2010)

On page 404 of this Review, the Lewis histo-blood-group antigen Leb is stated to be also known as MUC5AC. This is incorrect. MUC5AC is a carrier of Leb on gastric epithelial cells. On page 405, LeX is stated to be the same as FUT4 and LeY the same as FUT3. This is also incorrect. FUT3 is an α1,4/3 fucosyltransferase that can add the fucose residue to the GlcNAc residue on Leb structures. FUT4 is an α1,3 fucosyltransferase that adds fucose to GlcNAc residues in type 2 Lewis antigens, including LeX, LeY and sialyl-LeX . We would like to thank A. Magalhães and C. A. Reis for alerting us to these mistakes.