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Transmission of torque at the nanoscale


In macroscopic mechanical devices, torque is transmitted through gearwheels and clutches. In the construction of devices at the nanoscale, torque and its transmission through soft materials will be a key component. However, this regime is dominated by thermal fluctuations leading to dissipation. Here we demonstrate the principle of torque transmission for a disc-like colloidal assembly exhibiting clutch-like behaviour, driven by 27 particles in optical traps. These are translated on a circular path to form a rotating boundary that transmits torque to additional particles confined to the interior. We investigate this transmission and find that it is determined by solid-like or fluid-like behaviour of the device and a stick–slip mechanism reminiscent of macroscopic gearwheels slipping. The transmission behaviour is predominantly governed by the rotation rate of the boundary and the density of the confined system. We determine the efficiency of our device and thus optimize conditions to maximize power output.

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Figure 1: The experimental system.
Figure 2: Controlling rotational behaviour with N and Pe.
Figure 3: Disengaging transmission in situ by altering density in a single simulation with N = 48.
Figure 4: Measuring efficiency in the loaded device.
Figure 5: Structural fluctuations.

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We acknowledge J. Eggers, M. Heinen and R. Jack for helpful discussions. C.P.R. and I.W. acknowledge the Royal Society and European Research Council (ERC Consolidator Grant NANOPRS, project number 617266). Additionally, I.W. was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The work of E.C.O. and H.L. was supported by the ERC Advanced Grant INTERCOCOS (project number 267499). E.C.O. was also supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program (project number OG 98/1-1).

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I.W. and C.P.R. conceived the experiments. I.W. built the experimental apparatus and performed the experiments. E.C.O., C.P.R. and H.L. conceived the simulations. E.C.O. carried out the simulations. T.S. performed the theoretical efficiency analysis. All authors contributed to the data analysis and writing of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Hartmut Löwen or C. Patrick Royall.

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Williams, I., Oğuz, E., Speck, T. et al. Transmission of torque at the nanoscale. Nature Phys 12, 98–103 (2016).

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