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DNA origami tiles

Nanoscale mazes

This article has been updated

The programmable disorder often seen in biological networks has now been demonstrated with DNA origami tiles using a stochastic algorithm.

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Figure 1: Programmed disorder exists in nature and can now be generated by using DNA self-assembly.

Change history

  • 01 December 2016

    In the version of the News & Views article 'DNA origami tiles: Nanoscale mazes' (Nat. Nanotech.; 2016) originally published online, Fig. 1f was described incorrectly in the caption and the main text, and in fact shows maze-like patterns. These descriptions were updated in all versions, 1 December 2016.


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Zhang, F., Hong, F. & Yan, H. Nanoscale mazes. Nature Nanotech 12, 189–190 (2017).

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