Nature Neuroscience 7, 678–682 (2004)

The production process introduced several errors into Fig. 3c. A minus sign was omitted from the negative value of “0.05” on the y-axis, and the label for the x-axis incorrectly stated the concentration as “(nM × 10−1)”; it should read “(nM)”. Furthermore, the image quality of the micrographs in Fig. 3d–g was poor due to color conversion problems. The corrected Fig. 3 is shown below.

Guidance of DRG axons by NGF gradients. (a) Guidance ratio of DRG explants as a function of gradient steepness. Error bars are s.e.m. For s = 0.1%, the guidance ratios were significantly different from zero (P < 10−8), and 80% of explants (43 of 54) had positive guidance ratios. Responses for s = 0.2% and 0.4% were also significantly different (P < 0.005). For s = 0.4%, 53 of 54 explants had positive guidance ratios (54 explants per condition pooled over three separate experiments; similar results were seen in each experiment). (b) Outgrowth in response to NGF after 36–40 h in culture, as measured by the number of bright pixels representing neurites, divided by the area of the explant (36 explants per condition pooled over three separate experiments). (c) Guidance as a function of absolute NGF concentration at the explants for s = 0.2%. The probability that the mean guidance ratio is zero in each case is given above each data point (54–108 explants per condition pooled over six separate experiments). Although the 1 nM condition represents equivalent conditions to the 0.2% condition in a, the guidance ratios in these two cases are not exactly the same as they are derived from a different series of experiments. (df) Typical explants from experiment in a for s = 0.1%, 0.2% and 0.4%, respectively (guidance ratios within 0.01, that is 5–10%, of the mean). The NGF gradient points upwards. (g) Complete row of explants for one dish from experiment in c, s = 0.2%, 10 nM. Clear turning of the neurites is apparent. Scale bars, 500 μm.