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Absolute requirement of GDNF for adult catecholaminergic neuron survival


GDNF is a potent neurotrophic factor that protects catecholaminergic neurons from toxic damage and induces fiber outgrowth. However, the actual role of endogenous GDNF in the normal adult brain is unknown, even though GDNF-based therapies are considered promising for neurodegenerative disorders. We have generated a conditional GDNF-null mouse to suppress GDNF expression in adulthood, hence avoiding the developmental compensatory modifications masking its true physiologic action. After Gdnf ablation, mice showed a progressive hypokinesia and a selective decrease of brain tyrosine hydroxylase (Th) mRNA, accompanied by pronounced catecholaminergic cell death, affecting most notably the locus coeruleus, which practically disappears; the substantia nigra; and the ventral tegmental area. These data unequivocally demonstrate that GDNF is indispensable for adult catecholaminergic neuron survival and also show that, under physiologic conditions, downregulation of a single trophic factor can produce massive neuronal death.

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Figure 1: Molecular characterization of the conditional Gdnf knockout mice.
Figure 2: Mesencephalic dopaminergic neuronal death after Gdnf ablation in adult mice.
Figure 3: Locus coeruleus noradrenergic neuronal death after Gdnf ablation in adult mouse.
Figure 4: Peripheral and hypothalamic dopaminergic cell survival in conditional GDNF knockout mice.
Figure 5: Behavioral analysis of adult GDNF-depleted mice.

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We wish to thank R. Pardal, M. Patterson and J.J. Toledo-Aral for comments on the manuscript and J. Sanchez García for karyotyping of ES cells. Support was obtained from the Juan March Foundation, the Marcelino Botín Foundation, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education, the Spanish Ministry of Health (TERCEL) and the Andalusian Government. CIBERNED is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III.

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A.P. and M.H.-F. designed and conducted most of the experiments. A.P., C.O.P., R.G.-D. and J.I.P. generated the GDNF conditional knockout mice. J.L.-B. supervised the project. A.P. and J.L.-B. wrote the manuscript.

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Correspondence to José López-Barneo.

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Pascual, A., Hidalgo-Figueroa, M., Piruat, J. et al. Absolute requirement of GDNF for adult catecholaminergic neuron survival. Nat Neurosci 11, 755–761 (2008).

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