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Dissecting genomic diversity, one cell at a time

An Erratum to this article was published on 27 February 2014

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Emerging technologies are bringing single-cell genome sequencing into the mainstream; this field has already yielded insights into the genetic architecture and variability between cells that highlight the dynamic nature of the genome.

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  • 27 January 2014

    In the version of this article initially published, references 16–24 were incorrectly cited as references 15–23. The error has been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the article.


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Correspondence to Paul C Blainey or Stephen R Quake.

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P.C.B. holds equity interest in companies in related industries. S.R.Q. is a founder and consultant for Fluidigm Corp., which develops single-cell microfluidics products.

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Blainey, P., Quake, S. Dissecting genomic diversity, one cell at a time. Nat Methods 11, 19–21 (2014).

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