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Suppression of electronic friction on Nb films in the superconducting state


Investigations on the origins of friction are still scarce and controversial1,2,3,4. In particular, the contributions of electronic and phononic excitations are poorly known5,6,7,8,9,10,11. A direct way to distinguish between them is to work across the superconducting phase transition7,8,9,10,11,12. Here, non-contact friction13,14,15,16 on a Nb film is studied across the critical temperature TC using a highly sensitive cantilever oscillating in the pendulum geometry in ultrahigh vacuum. The friction coefficient Γ is reduced by a factor of three when the sample enters the superconducting state. The temperature decay of Γ is found to be in good agreement with the Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer theory12,17,18,19, meaning that friction has an electronic nature in the metallic state, whereas phononic friction dominates in the superconducting state. This is supported by the dependence of friction on the probe–sample distance d and on the bias voltage V. Γ is found to be proportional to d−1 and V2 in the metallic state, whereas Γd−4 and ΓV4 in the superconducting state. Therefore, phononic friction becomes the main dissipation channel below the critical temperature16.

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Figure 1: AFM topography image of the Nb film studied in the experiment.
Figure 2: Temperature variation of the friction coefficient Γ across the critical point Tc=9.2 K of Nb.
Figure 3: Distance dependence of the friction coefficient in the metallic and in the superconducting state of Nb.
Figure 4: Non-contact friction as a function of the bias voltage V in the metallic and superconducting state of Nb.

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We would like to thank Y. Pellmont for the technical support. This work was supported in part by the Swiss National Science Foundation, the ESF EUROCORE programme FANAS and by the NCCR Nanoscale Science of the Swiss National Science Foundation.

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The sample was fabricated by L.M. S.R. and U.G. constructed the system. The idea was born out of a discussion between E.M., M.K. and E.G. The measurement was carried out by M.K. E.M., M.K. and E.G. were involved in interpretation, discussion and paper writing.

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Correspondence to Marcin Kisiel.

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Kisiel, M., Gnecco, E., Gysin, U. et al. Suppression of electronic friction on Nb films in the superconducting state. Nature Mater 10, 119–122 (2011).

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