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X-ray-diffraction characterization of Pt(111) surface nanopatterning induced by C60 adsorption


Understanding the adsorption mechanisms of large molecules on metal surfaces is a demanding task. Theoretical predictions are difficult because of the large number of atoms that have to be considered in the calculations, and experiments aiming to solve the molecule–substrate interaction geometry are almost impossible with standard laboratory techniques. Here, we show that the adsorption of complex organic molecules can induce perfectly ordered nanostructuring of metal surfaces. We use surface X-ray diffraction to investigate in detail the bonding geometry of C60 with the Pt(111) surface, and to elucidate the interaction mechanism leading to the restructuring of the Pt(111) surface. The chemical interaction between one monolayer of C60 molecules and the clean Pt(111) surface results in the formation of an ordered reconstruction based on the creation of a surface vacancy lattice. The C60 molecules are located on top of the vacancies, and 12 covalent bonds are formed between the carbon atoms and the 6 platinum surface atoms around the vacancies. In-plane displacements induced on the platinum substrate are of the order of a few picometres in the top layer, and are undetectable in the deeper layers.

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Figure 1: Structure factors, Fh k l, of CTRs as a function of the vertical exchanged momentum l, in reciprocal lattice units, measured for the clean Pt(111) surface and for the one monolayer C60/Pt(111) interface.
Figure 2: Contour map of the electron difference function between the experimental data and the bare vacancy model.
Figure 3: Structural model of the top layer of the Pt(111) surface.
Figure 4: Dependence of the reduced chi-square, χN2, on the fullerene azimuth orientation with respect to the Pt substrate.
Figure 5: Adsorption structure of the C60 molecules at the Pt(111) surface.

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We wish to acknowledge the ESRF staff for their technical help. This work was partially financed by MADESS II—CNR and FIRB—Carbon Nanotube and Carbide Surface projects.

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Felici, R., Pedio, M., Borgatti, F. et al. X-ray-diffraction characterization of Pt(111) surface nanopatterning induced by C60 adsorption. Nature Mater 4, 688–692 (2005).

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