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Shedding light onto live molecular targets

Optical sensing of specific molecular targets and pathways deep inside living mice has become possible as a result of a number of advances. These include design of biocompatible near-infrared fluorochromes, development of targeted and activatable 'smart' imaging probes, engineered photoproteins and advances in photon migration theory and reconstruction. Together, these advances will provide new tools making it possible to understand more fully the functioning of protein networks, diagnose disease earlier and speed along drug discovery.

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Figure 1: Interaction of light with tissue.
Figure 2: Fluorescence molecular tomography.
Figure 3: NIR fluorescence imaging.
Figure 4: Bioluminescence imaging.


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Weissleder, R., Ntziachristos, V. Shedding light onto live molecular targets. Nat Med 9, 123–128 (2003).

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