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No antigen-presentation defect in Unc93b13d/3d (3d) mice

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Figure 1: Antigen presentation is unaffected in Unc93b13d/3d mice.


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We thank members of the Barton laboratory for critical reading of the manuscript; G.L. Reiner and B.R. Russell for technical assistance with experiments; and H. Nolla for assistance with flow cytometry. Supported by the US National Institutes of Health (AI072429 and AI063302), the Lupus Research Institute (G.M.B.), the Human Frontier Science Program (J.D.) and the Philippe Foundation (J.D.).

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J.D. and G.M.B. designed research and analyzed data; B.L.L. and Z.R.N. did preliminary studies; J.D. did the experiments presented here; and J.D. and G.M.B. wrote the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Gregory M Barton.

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Deguine, J., Lee, B., Newman, Z. et al. No antigen-presentation defect in Unc93b13d/3d (3d) mice. Nat Immunol 14, 1101–1102 (2013).

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