Expression of the transcription factor Foxp3 is essential but might not be sufficient for the development of regulatory T cells (Treg cells). In Immunity, Sakaguchi and colleagues show that hypomethylation of certain Treg cell–representative gene regions is required for the development of natural Treg cells (nTreg cells) and that it is established in the thymus independently of Foxp3 expression. CpG hypomethylation of limited regions (Foxp3 intron 1, Tnfrsf18 exon 5, Ctla4 exon 2 and Ikzf4 intron 1b) is exclusively 'imprinted' in nTreg cells and not in other T cell populations, including inducible Treg cells. Hypomethylation of the nTreg cell type is required for Foxp3+ T cells to acquire nTreg cell–type gene expression and full suppressive activity and to sustain the expression of Treg cell–associated molecules such as Foxp3, CLTA-4 and CD25. The induction of such hypomethylation in developing nTreg cells is dependent on engagement of the TCR by self ligands in the thymus.

Immunity 37, 785–799 (2012)