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Carbonate weathering as a driver of CO2 supersaturation in lakes


Most lakes and reservoirs have surface CO2 concentrations that are supersaturated relative to the atmosphere1. The resulting CO2 emissions from lakes represent a substantial contribution to the continental carbon balance2,3,4. Thus, the drivers of CO2 supersaturation in lakes need to be understood to constrain the sensitivity of the land carbon cycle to external perturbations4,5,6. Carbon dioxide supersaturation has generally been attributed to the accumulation of inorganic carbon in lakes where respiration exceeds photosynthesis7,8, but this interpretation has faced challenges9,10,11. Here we report analyses of water chemistry data from a survey of Spanish reservoirs that represent a range of lithologies, using simple metabolic models. We find that, above an alkalinity threshold of 1 mequiv. l−1, CO2 supersaturation in lakes is directly related to carbonate weathering in the watershed. We then evaluate the global distribution of alkalinity in lakes and find that 57% of the surface area occupied by lakes and reservoirs—particularly in tropical and temperate latitudes—has alkalinity exceeding 1 mequiv. l−1. We conclude that lake inputs of dissolved inorganic carbon from carbonate weathering should be considered for the CO2 supersaturation of lakes at both regional and global scales.

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Figure 1: DIC of lakes controlled by DIC inflow from the watershed and NEP.
Figure 2: Interplay between alkalinity and NEP shaping CO2 supersaturation.
Figure 3: Global distribution of lake alkalinity and potential weathering-related CO2 emissions from lakes.

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Financial support for this research was provided by projects CARBONET (Spanish Ministry, CGL201130474C020), and SCARCE (Consolider-Ingenio 2010 CSD2009-00065). We are grateful to M. Koschorreck, N. Catalán, and D. von Schiller for comments on early drafts. This is a contribution of the NETLAKE group (COST Action ES1201).

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R.M. and B.O. conceived the paper and contributed equally to this work; J.L.R. and J-A.M. obtained the reservoir data during the 1987–1988 survey; R.M. and B.O. analysed the field data and R.M. performed worldwide computations; R.M. and B.O. co-wrote the paper. P.L. assisted in the interpretation of the data; J.A. designed and supervised the nationwide sampling. All authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Rafael Marcé.

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Marcé, R., Obrador, B., Morguí, JA. et al. Carbonate weathering as a driver of CO2 supersaturation in lakes. Nature Geosci 8, 107–111 (2015).

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