Nat. Genet. 29, 143–152 (2001)

The annotation for the Affymetrix G110 probe set 1770 that we used was incorrect. Although the annotation specifies that the transcript for PDGFR-α is being ascertained, the true specificity of the probe set is for the PDGFR-β isoform. The ligand for both receptor isoforms is identical. The functional validation of the PDGFR signaling pathway, described in our article, used specific neutralizing antibodies against PDGFR-α as well as downstream small molecule inhibitors, and it implicates this entire cascade. The PDGFR-β isoform may be more relevant in the metastatic process, but this does not discount the proven biologic role of PDGFR-α and downstream effectors in metastatic medulloblastoma.