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Towards a new climate diplomacy


A new kind of climate politics is emerging, as national actions prove insufficient to address the changing climate. Subnational actors — ranging from provinces and cities, to civil sector organizations and private companies — are acting alongside nation states, making up for lost ground and missed opportunities.

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Figure 1: Five of the 29 commitments made at the NY Climate Summit could result in a 2.54 GtCO2e reduction in annual global total GHG emissions in 2020.


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We thank A. Zomer, P. Hirsch, and F. Melkinov of Yale University for providing research support. We are grateful to the participants within the Galvanizing the Groundswell network convened by the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Blavatnik School of Oxford University, and the Stanley Foundation for feedback.

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Hsu, A., Moffat, A., Weinfurter, A. et al. Towards a new climate diplomacy. Nature Clim Change 5, 501–503 (2015).

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