In Teng et al. (7, 474; 2005; 10.1038/ncb1249), in the legend to Fig. 1c, a description of the TuJ1 marker was omitted. This has now been described in full as “neuronal β-tubulin isotype III” in the online version.

In addition, the text on page 479 should have read “We also intercrossed an NFH-Cre#7 transgenic line, in which the Cre gene was driven by a mouse neurofilament-H promoter27, with a Kap3+/− mouse, which had been obtained from a single cross of a Kap3fl/+ male with a CAG-Cretg/• female45” rather than referring to a CAG-Cretg/− female. This has now been corrected online.