As this issue goes to press, Nature Communications, a new Nature journal dedicated to primary research in the biological, physical and chemical sciences will have launched. The journal aims to publish papers that provide a significant advance for specialists within a discipline but that do not have the broader scientific impact of papers published in Nature and the Nature research journals. Nature Communications will be an online-only journal with continuous online publication thus enabling rapid dissemination of primary research. Authors may also choose to make their published work open access.

Like all other Nature journals, manuscripts submitted to Nature Communications will be subject to rigorous peer-review. Unlike other Nature journals, Nature Communications has an editorial advisory board that the editors may consult with. Manuscripts rejected from Nature Cell Biology — either before or after review — may be transferred to Nature Communications using a link provided in the decision letter. In the case of reviewed manuscripts, Nature Communications will receive referee reports and their identities through the automated transfer process. Nature Communications is editorially independent and the editors will determine whether the transferred manuscript is suitable for further consideration. The editors will take into account the transferred referee reports when reaching a decision but they may also choose to consult with independent experts.