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The 'right' size in nanobiotechnology


The biological and physical sciences share a common interest in small structures (the definition of 'small' depends on the application, but can range from 1 nm to 1 mm). A vigorous trade across the borders of these areas of science is developing around new materials and tools (largely from the physical sciences) and new phenomena (largely from the biological sciences). The physical sciences offer tools for synthesis and fabrication of devices for measuring the characteristics of cells and sub-cellular components, and of materials useful in cell and molecular biology; biology offers a window into the most sophisticated collection of functional nanostructures that exists.

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Figure 1: Sizes of representative 'small' objects.
Figure 2: Selective cell release and spreading54.
Figure 3: Generation of gradients in a microfluidic device67.

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This work was supported by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, National Science Foundation (ECS-0004030) and National Institutes of Health (GM-65364).

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Whitesides, G. The 'right' size in nanobiotechnology. Nat Biotechnol 21, 1161–1165 (2003).

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