The chair of the US House of Representatives Science Committee's Subcommittee on Basic Research released in April yet another in a recent series of reports on regulating agricultural biotechnology. The report, “Seeds of Opportunity,” which is based on several hearings held throughout 1999, calls the promise of agbiotech “immense,” and urges the Clinton Administration to “ensure that markets for products of agricultural biotechnology are not restricted by scientifically unsound measures.” Moreover, it sharply criticizes regulatory schemes at both the US Department of Agriculture (Washington, DC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (Washington, DC), saying those agencies do not focus on the characteristics of the plant but instead on the process used to develop those plants. It also says that the administration, industry, and scientific community share a responsibility to “educate the public on the long record of safe use” of agbiotech products and research. The report effectively rejects a number of recommendations outlined in the report released by the National Research Council (Washington, DC) (Nat. Biotechnol. 18, 486, 2000).