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  • Patents
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Patent mining and landscaping of emerging recombinant factor VIII through network analysis

A landscape analysis of the recombinant factor VIII patent sector using network analysis to map the cooperation network among assignees shows emerging technologies that focus on improved methods for rFVIII production and bioactivity performance.

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Figure 1: New FVIII molecules targeting increased half-life by the first report year.
Figure 2: Publication trend and geographical coverage of rFVIII patents.
Figure 3: The top 15 inventors and assignees of patents related to rFVIII.
Figure 4: Cooperation network among assignees of rFVIII patents.
Figure 5: Analysis of patent documents content by text clustering and ThemeScape.
Figure 6: Patent citation network of rFVIII inventions and its main path.


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This study is supported by research funds from São Paulo Research Foundation – FAPESP grant number 2012/22686-9; 2014/22500-8; 2015/13816-4; 2013/08135-2 and 2016/02433-0.

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Correspondence to Geciane Silveira Porto.

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Pereira, C., Picanco-Castro, V., Covas, D. et al. Patent mining and landscaping of emerging recombinant factor VIII through network analysis. Nat Biotechnol 36, 585–590 (2018).

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