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Robotic crowd biology with Maholo LabDroids

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Figure 1: LabDroid system.
Figure 2: Robotic crowd biology concept.


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We greatly thank H. Maruyama for early discussion on the concept of robotic crowd biology. N.Y. was supported by PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency.

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Correspondence to Tohru Natsume.

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Many of the Robotic Biology Consortium members are employees of and/or hold stock in the Robotic Biology Institute or Yaskawa Electric Corp.

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Members of the Robotic Biology Consortium Steering Group: Nozomu Yachie, Koichi Takahashi, Toshiaki Katayama, Takeshi Sakurada, Genki N. Kanda, Eiji Takagi, Takako Hirose, Tatsuo Katsura, Tetsuo Moriya, Hiroaki Kitano, Junichi Tsujii, and Tohru Natsume Robotics Group: Tomoyuki Shiraki, Hirokazu Kariyazaki, Motohisa Kamei, Noriko Abe, Takuya Fukuda, Yukiko Sawada, Yukio Hashiguchi, Kenji Matsukuma, Shinji Murai, Naoyuki Sasaki, Tatsuro Ipposhi, Hideo Urabe, Taku Kudo, Makoto Umeno, Seiki Ono, Kohei Miyauchi, Miki Nakamura, Takahiro Kizaki, Takashi Suyama, Tomohisa Hatta, and Tohru Natsume Information Technology Group: Tazro Ohta, Koichi Takahashi, Yosuke Ozawa, Nozomu Yachie, Takeshi Sakurada, Kenji Matsukuma, Shinji Murai, Shoji Ihara, Satoshi Tamaki, Erick Antezana, Alexander Garcia-Castro, Jean-Luc Perret, Soh Ishiguro, Hideto Mori, Daniel Evans-Yamamoto, Nanami Masuyama, Masaru Tomita, Junichi Tsujii, Toshiaki Katayama, and Hiroaki Kitano Proteomics Group: Tomohisa Hatta, Masaki Matsumoto, Hiroshi Nakayama, Ayaka Shirasawa, Kazutaka Shimbo, Naoyuki Yamada, Keiichi I. Nakayama, and Tohru Natsume High-Content Cell Screening Group: Takatsune Shimizu and Hideyuki Saya Epigenetics Group: Satoshi Yamashita, Takahide Matsushima, and Hiroshi Asahara Clinical Group: Hidetoshi Eguchi, Manabu Mikamori, and Masaki Mori

Supplementary information

Supplementary Movie 1

Examples of laboratory automations achieved by Maholo (MOV 19459 kb)

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Yachie, N., Robotic Biology Consortium. & Natsume, T. Robotic crowd biology with Maholo LabDroids. Nat Biotechnol 35, 310–312 (2017).

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