Nature 547, 109–113 (2017); doi:

In this Letter, there are errors in Extended Data Figs 5, 8 and 9, and the affiliation of an author. The affiliations for author Violeta Serra should include number 2 (CIBERONC, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, C/ Monforte de Lemos 3-5, Pabellón 11, Planta 0, 28029 Madrid, Spain). In Extended Data Figs 5e and 9h, the protein ‘SIN1’ was misspelt ‘NSIN1’. These figures have been corrected online, and we thank P. Castel for pointing out this error. During the preparation of Extended Data Fig. 8e, a panel depicting the extracted ion chromatogram of the TVLASPQKIEGFK peptide for phosphorylated AMD1 was inadvertently omitted, and this was the source of the quantification in the original Extended Data Fig. 8e, left panel. This figure has been corrected online, and the legend has been amended from “Calculated areas under the curves from extracted ion chromatogram of the TVLASPQKIEGFK peptide for phosphorylated (highlighted in brown in the sequence, left) and total (right) AMD1” to “Extracted ion chromatogram (XIC) of the TVLASPQKIEGFK peptide (left) and calculated areas under the curves for phosphorylated (highlighted in brown in the sequence, middle) and total (right) AMD1”. These errors do not affect the conclusions of this Letter, and the original Letter has been corrected online.