Nature 530, 108–112 (2016); doi:10.1038/nature16465

In this Letter, there is an error in Extended Data Fig. 1b. During preparation of the figure, an error was introduced while copying the flow cytometry plot for ‘HAP1 WT+isotype’ and the y-axis label was incorrectly shown as ‘SSC’ instead of ‘PE’. As a result, the plot for ‘FGFR1KO+FGFR1 Ab.’ was inadvertently duplicated. We have corrected Extended Data Fig. 1 in the Supplementary Information to this Corrigendum, which has the correct plot for ‘HAP1 WT+isotype’ inserted. The error affects only the plot image, and the reported percentage is correct. Therefore, there is no effect of this error on any of the conclusions of the paper, and we regret this oversight. The online versions of the paper have not been corrected.