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A role for cohesin in T-cell-receptor rearrangement and thymocyte differentiation


Cohesin enables post-replicative DNA repair and chromosome segregation by holding sister chromatids together from the time of DNA replication in S phase until mitosis1. There is growing evidence that cohesin also forms long-range chromosomal cis-interactions2,3,4 and may regulate gene expression2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 in association with CTCF8,9, mediator4 or tissue-specific transcription factors10. Human cohesinopathies such as Cornelia de Lange syndrome are thought to result from impaired non-canonical cohesin functions7, but a clear distinction between the cell-division-related and cell-division-independent functions of cohesion—as exemplified in Drosophila11,12,13—has not been demonstrated in vertebrate systems. To address this, here we deleted the cohesin locus Rad21 in mouse thymocytes at a time in development when these cells stop cycling and rearrange their T-cell receptor (TCR) α locus (Tcra). Rad21-deficient thymocytes had a normal lifespan and retained the ability to differentiate, albeit with reduced efficiency. Loss of Rad21 led to defective chromatin architecture at the Tcra locus, where cohesion-binding sites flank the TEA promoter and the Eα enhancer, and demarcate Tcra from interspersed Tcrd elements and neighbouring housekeeping genes. Cohesin was required for long-range promoter–enhancer interactions, Tcra transcription, H3K4me3 histone modifications that recruit the recombination machinery14,15 and Tcra rearrangement. Provision of pre-rearranged TCR transgenes largely rescued thymocyte differentiation, demonstrating that among thousands of potential target genes across the genome4,8,9,10, defective Tcra rearrangement was limiting for the differentiation of cohesin-deficient thymocytes. These findings firmly establish a cell-division-independent role for cohesin in Tcra locus rearrangement and provide a comprehensive account of the mechanisms by which cohesin enables cellular differentiation in a well-characterized mammalian system.

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Figure 1: Genetic cohesin depletion in non-dividing thymocytes.
Figure 2: Cohesin affects Tcra transcription and Rag recombinase recruitment.
Figure 3: Cohesin affects Tcra rearrangement.
Figure 4: Cohesin mediates long-range interactions between regulatory elements that control Tcra transcription.

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We thank S. Hadjur, D. Tough, L. Williams, Z. Webster, J. Godwin and H.-Y. Shih for help and advice, L. Game and M. Jones for high-throughput sequencing, A. Giess for sequence alignment, and J. Elliott and P. Hexley for cell sorting. Supported by the Medical Research Council, UK (V.S., T.L., H.M.-B., K.E.B., T.C., A.T., L.A., A.G.F., K.N., M.M.), the European Union FP6 integrated project HEROIC (H.M.), EU and the Marie Curie Research Training Network Chromatin Plasticity (H.M.-B.), the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (T.L.), the Wellcome Trust (D.J.A., K.N.) and the National Institutes of Health (B.H., M.S.K., G.T., D.G.S.). D.G.S. is an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

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V.S. and M.M. conceived the study with critical input from D.G.S., L.A., A.G.F., M.S.K. and K.N., V.S., B.H., K.T.-K., T.L., H.M.-B., K.E.B., G.T., K.H. and M.M. conducted experiments, K.T.-K., D.J.A., K.N., G.T. and D.G.S. designed and generated novel materials, T.C., A.T. and H.M. analysed data, V.S. and M.M. wrote the paper and all authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Michael S. Krangel, Kim Nasmyth or Matthias Merkenschlager.

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Seitan, V., Hao, B., Tachibana-Konwalski, K. et al. A role for cohesin in T-cell-receptor rearrangement and thymocyte differentiation. Nature 476, 467–471 (2011).

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