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From maps to mechanisms through neuroimaging of schizophrenia


Functional and structural brain imaging has identified neural and neurotransmitter systems involved in schizophrenia and their link to cognitive and behavioural disturbances such as psychosis. Mapping such abnormalities in patients, however, cannot fully capture the strong neurodevelopmental component of schizophrenia that pre-dates manifest illness. A recent strategy to address this issue has been to focus on mechanisms of disease risk. Imaging genetics techniques have made it possible to define neural systems that mediate heritable risk linked to candidate and genome-wide-supported common variants, and mechanisms for environmental risk and gene–environment interactions are emerging. Characterizing the neural risk architecture of schizophrenia provides a translational research strategy for future treatments.

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Figure 1: Functional neuroimaging methods and their temporal and spatial resolution.
Figure 2: Brain regions functionally and/or structurally affected in schizophrenia.
Figure 3: Schematic summary of putative alterations in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex circuitry in schizophrenia.
Figure 4: A systems-level phenotype in patients relates to genetic risk and animal models.

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I acknowledge grant support by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 636), BMBF (NGFN-MooDs, Bernstein-Programme), EU (NEWMEDS, OPTIMIZE, EU-GEI) and NARSAD (Distinguished Investigator Award) during the preparation of this manuscript.

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Meyer-Lindenberg, A. From maps to mechanisms through neuroimaging of schizophrenia. Nature 468, 194–202 (2010).

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